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Donald Evans

This deck is a trick deck wherein the backs of the cards used have a thick, non-slick surface. The cards are placed back to back in certain pairs. There a few rules in determining these pairs: * 1) Each pair adds up to 13 (9 and 4; 6 and 7;... Read more of Invisible Deck at Card

If you have been crossed or jinxed, or someone has put roots on you, you may not know who did it, but you may suspect and even be able to remember how it was done. One allmon way to cross someone is to sprinkle Crossing Powder, Hot Foot Powder, o... Read more of HOW TO BREAK A JINX OR GET UNCROSSED at White
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Donald Evans ( ) started killing in the year 1986. The official number of people that were killed were 3 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 70 people. The last reported murder was on 1991. The murders took place in Florida, Louisiana.

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