Although someone has submitted a lost and found spell (which they jacked from the TV show Charmed, at least with the rhyming part)... I would like to send in mine that I use. Although it was in part taken from Charmed, too, (yes I admit it) I hav... Read more of Lost and Found Spell at White Magic.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Daniel Blank

Psychic Research - Learn the basics about the field of psychic research. Learn thought transference through drawing or learn about using photography to capture images of ghosts or other phenomena. Visit Psychic Research

The student may also get very great help in ascertaining details about the likely marriage of the person whose hands he is examining by the following: Fine Influence Lines seen joining the Line of Fate, relate to persons who come into and af... Read more of Influence Lines To The Fate Line On The Mount Of Venus Connection With Marriage at Palm
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Daniel Blank ( ) started killing in the year 1996. The official number of people that were killed were 6 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 7 people. The last reported murder was on 1997. The murders took place in Louisiana.

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