Sing. Plural 1st person If I were loved If they were loved 2nd person If you were loved If you were loved 3rd person If he were loved If we were loved ... Read more of PAST TENSE at Speaking Writing.comInformational Site Network Informational
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David Carpenter

****************************************** Hi here is a potion to stop loving someone.I am a store owner that sales potions spells & so on and so on. Here's the ingredents: ginger, cinamon, salt, pepper, lemon, water and rose petals. Now here's the ... Read more of Magic Potion to make you stop loving someone at White

Little Willie questioned his grandmother with an appearance of great seriousness: "Ain't Rotterdam the name of a city, Gramma?" "Don't say 'ain't', Willie," the old lady corrected. "Yes, Rotterdam is the name of a city. Why?" "It ain't ... Read more of Phonetics at Free
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David Carpenter (The Trailside Killer) started killing in the year 1979. The official number of people that were killed were 10 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 11 people. The last reported murder was on 1980. The murders took place in California.

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