The following anecdote was told to myself, a few months after the curious event, by the three witnesses in the case. They were connections of my own, the father was a clergyman of the Anglican Church; he, his wife and their daughter, a girl of... Read more of The Girl In Pink at Scary Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Glennon Engleman - Clairvoyance, Higher Spirit, Telepathically connecting, mental vibrations Visit

In the course of many years' investigation of haunted houses, I have naturally come in contact with numerous people who have had first-hand experiences with the Occult. Nurse Mackenzie is one of these people. I met her for the first time last... Read more of The Ghost Of The Hindoo Child Or The Hauntings Of The White Dove Hotel Near St Swithin's Street Aberdeen at Scary
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Glennon Engleman ( ) started killing in the year 1958. The official number of people that were killed were 7 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 7 people. The last reported murder was on 1980. The murders took place in Missouri.

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