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Orville Majors

Little brown baby wif spa'klin' eyes, Come to yo' pappy an' set on his knee. What you been doin', suh--makin' san' pies? Look at dat bib--You's ez du'ty ez me. Look at dat mouf--dat's merlasses, I bet; Come hyeah, Maria, an' wipe off hi... Read more of Little Brown Baby at Martin Luther

Friendly may we part and quickly meet again. There's fellowship In every sip Of friendship's brew. May we all travel through the world and sow it thick with friendship. Here's to the four hinges of Friendship-- Swe... Read more of FRIENDSHIP at Free
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Orville Majors ( ) started killing in the year 1993. The official number of people that were killed were 6 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 130 people. The last reported murder was on 1995. The murders took place in Indiana.

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